Ecuador is probably the best country in the world to learn, photograph, and discover these fantastic gems of the natural world; It possesses over 135 species and many of them go to feeders; in our workshops, we´ll show you the different technics: from “Multiple Flash Photography” and “High-Speed Synchronization” to “Natural Available light”, in order to capture the best images of these fantastic creatures. Below, you´ll find some of the different species, photographed with the various methods mentioned before.
The north west Ecuador poses over 40 Sp. of hummingbirds that can be photograph, over 50 % of them go to feeders and the others visit special flowers in the forest, we´ll visit feeders, set up lights by flowers but also go into the forest in order to photograph these amazing birds.
Amazing multiple flash photography.
A common visitor to several feeding stations in the northwest.
Probably de most common hummingbird at lower mountain forest feeders.
Common at feeders on the west slope.
An uncommon hummingbird by water streams.
Another common visitor of feeders in the northwest.
One of the most common endemics west of the Andes.
A Choco endemic hummingbird in the cloud forest of northwest Ecuador.
A spectacular quite common hummer from the cloud forest.
A quite common hummingbird by feeders.
A common bird at feeders and away from them in the upper montane forest.
A common bird of the lower mountain forest.
A common hummer near and away from feeders.
A common hummingbird at feeders.
A common hummingbird of the lowlands, never at feeders.
An uncommon bird inside pristine mature forest.
A common bird at feeders.
A common bird at the right elevation.
A common encounter west of the Andes.
An uncommon encounter on the western lowlands.
A common bird on both slopes of the Andes.
One of the hard to find Choco endemic.
One of the most spectacular hummingbirds in Amazonia; easy to find lately.
A common species at feeders on the east slope.
One of the cutest hummingbirds in southeast Ecuador. Captured with Natural light.
A fantastic common bird at feeders on the east slope.
Common birds around feeders on the east slope.
A common encounter on the eastern Andean slopes.
We´ll encounter this fantastic hummingbird at feeders in Narupa and Wild Sumaco.
A common bird at feeders.
A fantastic common visitor at feeders.
A common hummingbird with a large distribution.
A difficult bird when not at feeders.
A fantastic tiny hummer from the eastern slopes of the Andes.
Another beauty found at feeders of the eastern Andes.
Not found at feeders but at Verbena flowers close to feeders.
A quite common bird on the southern east slopes.
An uncommon bird in the Amazon primary and secondary forest.
A common bird in Amazon secondary forest.
An uncommon bird on the eastern slope of the Andes.
A common bird on the lowland Amazon forest.
An uncommon bird on the eastern slopes of the Andes.
A common bird on the eastern slopes of the Andes.
An uncommon hummingbird from the east slope.
An uncommon encounter on the high Andes.
An uncommon encounter, photographed with “Natural Available Light”
An uncommon encounter on the High Andes.
A common encounter in the high Andes, photographed with natural available light.
A common encounter on the high Andes, photographed with Natural Available Light.
A common encounter on the high Andes, photographed with Natural Available Light.
A common encounter in southern Ecuador.
One of the most common hummingbirds on the Andes.
A common bird in the vicinities of cities.
A common Species on the mountains of southern Ecuador.
A common bird of the high Andes.
A common small bird of the High Andes.
This is one of the most restricted range species in the planet.
This is one of the common fantastic species from the high Andes.
An uncommon hummingbird the sometimes visits the valleys in the vicinity of Quito.
A common bird at feeders.
A common hummingbird near Cusco.
An uncommon bird near Cusco.
A very local hummingbird in the eastern mountains of Peru.
A quiet common hummingbird if you know where to find it.